Friday, August 14, 2009


I've been working on maintenance issue on the 7 sites I have put up so far. I realized early this morning (Ireland time) that I had published content on the Internet with an expectation that people would magically know my credentials. Once I realized how silly that is, I modified the About Us page in each web site to provide a brief summary of my qualifications so that I might be believed.

The hard part about doing such a thing is to brag about yourself, without bragging. How does one find that balance? Anyhow, that is what I tried to do - establish credibility without sounding braggadocio. Let me know if I succeeded.


  1. Sorry but you'll always be my little brother! Why do you think I put up with everything you do! ROFLMBO (you figure that out)!

  2. You lost me on that one. ROFLMBO?


Please keep your comments clean!